played around with the concept of television in media, using my favorite band. The release of an album coordinates with the year of a large news event.
Thinking about what to make my 60-second video about I find myself mostly focusing on friends, everything we've shared or the outings we've gone to, how important and a large part of my life they've become a part of. it's also caused me to narrow it down to the smaller things in life, thinking about those big moments and focusing on the smaller pieces of it. Some ideas I've had are showing pictures I've taken over time, but then focusing on small things. a drink in hand, a shirt, repeating those pictures until it's only those cropped pictures that play. The audio could included could people laughing or talking to each other, and interacting.
Creating it physically wasn't too difficult, trying to film the image projected from it was what caused trouble. putting it on my wall rendered it not visible on my phone camera. i had to rig up my wall mirror to reflect the image down onto a table directly in front of the window to get a stronger image that my phone picks up.
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